Tryout for the 2026 Season!

Tryout dates are July 14-16, 2025. Tryouts will be held at Breuer Park. More information to follow!

Check our website and Facebook page for updates due to weather.
You must be in the grade for which you are trying out for.  No exceptions.  A non-refundable $10 tryout fee & Registration Form is due upon arrival.  This fee covers both days of tryouts.

It is encouraged, but not mandatory, for the 2nd thru 6th grade players to attend both tryouts.   You must be in the grade for which you are trying out for.  No exceptions. While players from outside of Slinger School District may tryout, we will fill teams with players that reside within the district, or attend Slinger Schools first. If we are not able to fill a team with players as noted above, we will consider other players

U8 - Must be going into 2nd Grade

U9 - Must be going into 3rd Grade

U10 - Must be going into 4th Grade

U11 - Must be going into 5th Grade

U12 - Must be going into 6th Grade

U13 - Must be going into 7th Grade

U14 - Must be going into 8th Grade

Teams play a competitive weeknight schedule of approximately 10 home games and 10 away games and several weekend tournaments spread over several months. The 2nd grade team may play fewer games.